(ages 12-18)
CHOSEN is the youth ministry of Venture Church whose mission is to work alongside parents to call forth, equip and send out our students as genuine disciples of Jesus to live a life of radical devotion as they preach the gospel, heal the sick, help the needy, make disciples, and seek to bring transformation to every sphere of society.
We value the importance of strong women in the church. We are focused on developing lasting relationships with one another and leading the younger ladies in the way of becoming a woman. Our women's ministry desires to see women filled with the power and knowledge of God, and to make an impact on our community.
Outreach &
Venture Church is always looking for ways to be involved in a variety of weekly, monthly and annual outreaches within our city and throughout our region. Our heart is to impact every sphere of society with the gospel of Jesus Christ through bold evangelism and compassionate serving. We believe that the Church is called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, doing good so that people see and glorify God. As a community, we want to make every effort to minister to the poor, heal the sick, win the lost, revive the saved and disciple them all.
(ages 0-11)
We love growing families, therefore, our children's ministry is paramount to us. Serving ages 0-11, we offer engaging Sunday classes that include creative bible studies, prayer, crafts, and other various activities to promote love for God and others. Our goal is to be more than a babysitting club, but a community of believing parents striving together to raise up our children in the ways of the Lord, teaching them to know His Word, hear His voice and obey the leadership of His Spirit. Our church also works together every year to put on an annual vacation bible school for the community and surrounding areas.
Venture Churchs' men's ministry is focused on developing effective and powerful men of God. Our desire is to have a place where men can be men and develop a bond between one another and God.
Worship & prayer
Our music ministry works to serve the church by leading the congregation in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody to the Lord with our hearts during our services each week. We are committed to training worship leaders, singers and musicians who live out their worship in spirit and in truth, and use their musical craft to minister to God, testify of who He is, and make the name of Jesus great.
The ministries of Venture Church are focused on evangelizing, equipping and serving people from all walks of life through the gospel of Jesus, and they are fueled completely by volunteers who give of their own time and resources to put their hands to the plow each and every week. We are seeking to advance the kingdom of God in the Texas Hill Country through the doors He has opened to us, and we would love for you to join us or consider supporting us through prayer or finances.